Which actors have done completely unnecessary preparations for a film role?

In Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004), Angelina Jolie plays the role of Franky, a Royal Navy aircraft carrier commander.

Sky Captain is a science fiction film set in an alternate reality reminiscent of the 1930s.

Angelina Jolie only has a small role in the film. His participation was also filmed in 3 days.

However, she insisted on doing very thorough preparation before shooting.

She met dozens of British World War II veterans, mainly airplane pilots, with whom she spent hours chatting.

She wanted to observe their gestures and their way of speaking, in order to integrate this into her interpretation to make it more authentic. Okaaay…

Remember that her character is a one-eyed woman who pilots a flying aircraft carrier and fights against giant robots.

Knowing that the veterans she met were between 77 and 95 years old, on the one hand, and that Sky Captain is a perfectly fanciful film, on the other hand, it seems to me that there was not much interest in do preparation of this type for such a small role…

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