At age eleven, Will Smith was forced to build a wall.
Without equipment, without knowledge, without anything, the task seemed impossible. The wall must have been between 3 and 4 meters high and 6 meters long.
But his father gave him no choice. Every day he laid bricks — there is no rest for one who builds a wall. Every day, Will carried his 15-pound buckets filled with mortar, faced the wall, and laid bricks. Every day Will looked at the wall and told himself he would never make it. Until the day his father heard it.
His father came over and snatched a brick from his hand.
“Stop thinking about the wall!” » he said. “There is no wall. Only bricks . Your job is to lay this brick perfectly. Then move on to the next brick. Then lay this brick perfectly. Then the next one. Don’t think about the wall. Your only problem is this brick . »
Will thought his father was crazy.
But it’s the lesson that changed his life, and it’s the lesson that will change how you approach all your problems.
When you look at the wall, you see everything you haven’t done and you despair — it seems impossible. But when you look at the brick, yeah, it’s easy. It’s just one brick, a single effort — you know you can lay it without problem.
But the wall is built little by little — whether you look at it or not — because every day you lay a brick.
All big goals are walls.
Especially goals that seem impossible. But every goal is made up of bricks. Your job is to find that brick and lay it every day. “The secret to my success,” Will said, “is as boring as it is unsurprising: You show up and lay a new brick. Bad opening weekend? Lay a new brick. Album sales plummeting? Lay a new brick. Is your marriage falling apart? Lay a new brick. »
The difference between those who succeed and those who fail? Those who fail use any excuse to take a break. Those who succeed endure life like everyone else, but they never forget to lay a new brick. The wall is not going to build itself.
Here is Will Smith’s secret to success in 3 sentences:
- Every objective is made up of bricks, your job is to find them.
- No task is impossible if you focus on the brick.
- Lay the brick, then the next, without rest until you succeed.
“No matter what you’re going through,” Will said, “there’s always a new brick, right in front of you, waiting to be laid. The question is, will you get up to do it? »
You’re going to have to build a bunch of walls in your life, and each time you’re going to contemplate the magnitude of the task and feel crushed, insignificant — unable to accomplish it. Change your focus. Building a wall at once is impossible, but laying one brick, then another, day after day, anyone can do it — you can do it. But you should never stop, that’s how Will built his career.
Then about a year after starting the wall, Will laid the last brick. His father admired in silence, then after a moment.
“From now on,” his father said, “don’t ever tell me there’s something you can’t do.” »
Is Will Smith a narcissist?
This magnificent actor is in an extremely toxic relationship!
Just this masterful slap inflicted on Chris Rock following a mockery of the latter concerning his wife demonstrates the power of his wife Jada Pinkett Smith over her husband.
We don’t see him react, until she looks angry, suddenly Will Smith gets up and no longer responds on his own.
Deceived, humiliated by his wife like in this show: Red Table Talk, where we see Will Smith talking with his wife about his infidelity with the artist August Alsina.
We see him laughing, when his eyes are in absolute distress.
Or when we see him not wanting to be filmed by his wife!!
Just terrible!!
He is the victim of this narcissistic woman, as cold as death!
We see in the open a victim facing a narcissistic pervert!
Just terrifying!!!
Did Will Smith destroy his career by slamming his friend Chris Rock?
You have to carefully observe and dissect the facial expressions during this event to understand that Will Smith’s career is not his biggest problem.
Will Smith married a very toxic and manipulative woman, who has been destroying him for years, as a man and an actor.
He is deeply kind and tender, but unfortunately, today his career has become nothing more than an egocentric showcase for his wife, to satisfy all her whims.
She likes to devalue him in front of the American cameras, do you think that helps her career?
His wife, each time, is full of praise for other men, and his unconditional love for her lover (to belittle Will Smith voluntarily or openly….with a broad smile)…..does not scratch, each time, the image of her husband, for her future contracts?
The image of a couple is also important.
The producers have to deal with his capricious wife who sticks her nose everywhere, and infantilizes him….so the slap is just another brick in Will Smith’s problem in this business.
The presence of his wife is only tolerated because there is Will Smith.
Do you think that his wife’s behavior towards producers, people in show business, over the years, has not impoverished her husband’s opportunities?
She takes it upon herself, through her behavior, to destroy the goose that lays the golden eggs, and at the same time her career.
She can’t stand him being the star of the couple.
The slap is just the next level in Will Smith’s long descent into psychic hell.
He is the image of a man destroyed by his wife. (we no longer feel the light that once animated it).
Today, he is a man who is trying to fight not to completely sink… (his tears after his violent act are testimony to his suffering and his inner conflict. He can no longer control the situation, nor his emotions).
You have to carefully observe your wife during the ceremony, her haughty, contemptuous attitude towards everyone, except for a few smiles to change things towards some.
The comedian, during his joke, had not triggered anything in Will Smith, then we see him looking at his wife (who expresses a face of barely veiled narcissistic rage)
That’s what triggered his overreaction, not the joke.
During the slap, we don’t feel any anger on Will Smith’s face (he is lost in what he has just done).
During the slap, and afterwards, he immediately observed his wife’s face, to reassure himself, and to obtain her silent approval (via his wife’s smile of satisfaction), by which he is totally under the influence.
You just have to see, and note what the commentator said: “she smiled”. Typical reaction, of pleasure, of a narcissist, who really didn’t care about the consequences for her husband!!!!
He knows it by heart, and there was nothing rational about his reaction, it was his instinct that spoke, an automaton in survival mode.
He only had two choices compared to her:
- He reacted, as a savior to show his wife that he deserved her respect (which he will never obtain).
- Either, not reacting, and all the narcissistic rage of his wife, in private, would be brought down on him (physical and verbal violence)
It’s sad, but he chose the least serious solution for him, to avoid his wrath, of returning home.
Just as he continues to put up with his infidelities, and his devaluation in public.
It doesn’t take a genius to guess what’s happening in their relationship, nor in his career with an increasingly random loss of control, on the sets, and towards others (all his reactions are on the surface of violence). /tears).
He is totally adrift…