What is the psychological problem of psychologist Lumena?

I don’t know, because I’ve never analyzed it.

But I have something to say about the backlash.

Lately I’ve been reading some articles written by Psychology professionals repudiating what this Lumena Aleluia does at BBB21. These articles invariably say that psychologists cannot judge, that they need to be ethical, blah, blah, blah. And that’s it.

They miss the opportunity to analyze more deeply and make a self-criticism of the professional class.

“Oops, Alessandro, but judging the class by what Lumena does?”.

None of that. Point out a common problem of the class that gave rise to Lumena (and so many others and others) to do what she does.

I’ll explain this in detail.. (If Lumena allows it).

There is research that shows that psychopaths tend to seek professions in the health field. Above all, medicine


The professional class of psychologists faces a similar problem.

It’s just that the practice of Psychology, especially Clinical Psychology, gives a thousand opportunities for the person to do something that has been called “virtue signalling”. Roughly speaking, this happens in two ways:

a) Showing himself morally superior in public with rehearsed speeches. OBS: Lumena does this all the time, giving “backs” that she is understood in Psychology and that is why others should shut up, as well as saying that only she has the legitimacy to speak about social causes there;

b) Pointing the finger in the face of people considered morally inferior, and giving a sermon, analyzing them, finding a thousand problems.

It so happens that there is research that points to a strong correlation between “signaling virtue” and the dark triad

[2]formed by a package of very bizarre behaviors:

That is, it is very likely that those who spend a lot of time signaling virtue (either by elevating themselves or diminishing others) are hiding their psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism behind beautiful speeches and self-victimization.

What I’m saying is that people who are interested in the area of ​​Health (whether Medicine or Clinical Psychology) need to be smart because in that environment they will indeed find many closeted psychopaths who don’t give a damn about human beings and only want to feed their perverse egos at times at the expense of the suffering of others.

The way to tell who these closet psychopaths are is this: they are the ones who most defend themselves as special people, and the most criticize (” analyze “) others.

In the field of Psychology, I got tired of seeing very heavy bullying disguised as “hallway analysis” among undergraduates, as well as professors emotionally destroying students because they dared to ask good questions that these professors didn’t know how to answer. Not to mention clinical psychologists who did all sorts of nonsense with colleagues and patients that if I told you, you would think I was making it up…

Every profession that puts a human being in a position of power over fragile patients works as a magnet for wicked people. Get smart! And I’ve never seen this issue raised, even lightly, as an alarm to the general public.

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