If evolution is real, then why don’t humans look like primates or apes?

I guarantee that after reading this answer you will claim that humans are “minimally” (to put it mildly) like other primates. The similarities that we can find between these species are so many that most scientists who work in Biology, Anthropology or Paleoanthropology guarantee that human evolution is true.

Many elements between us and they are extremely similar. Among these, one can address:

  • The hands :

(chimpanzee hand)

(Human hand and chimpanzee hand)

(Orangutan hand)

(This gorilla’s fingers suffer from vitiligo, which is a lack of pigmentation in the skin, so we can see how similar it is to the human hand.)

  • Physical size, physiognomy or anatomy:

The faces of chimpanzees and bonobos undeniably resemble the faces of humans.

  • Dentition :

  • Musculature :

(Gorilla muscle)

(Human muscle)

(Chimpanzee, bonobo, and human facial muscles, respectively.)

  • Ears :

(human ear)

(Baby chimpanzee ear)

  • Skeletons :

(On the left, human skeleton and, on the right, gorilla)

(On the left, a graphic representation of a chimpanzee skeleton, and on the right, a human being.)

  • Genetics:

(Bonobo DNA is 98.7% the same as human DNA, while chimpanzee DNA is 99.6% identical to ours)

  • Skull shape:

(Human skull)

(bonobo skull)

These are just some of the elements that can be taken into account, as there are many others such as facial and sexual behavior, physical mobilities, brain morphology and even experiences in society. The equalities that we have mainly with chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos are so many that it is even embarrassing to deny it; and, if he denies it, he will have to juggle confusing arguments in order to deny it.

And so? Based on the photos and comparisons you’ve seen with your own eyes, are we or aren’t we similar to other primates? The similarities are so surprising that they are capable of leaving anyone with their mouths open!

Finally: scientists have never said that man came or evolved from apes, because this is a false and false statement that has become popular. The truth is that humans share an ancestor with all other primates. They are different things, but it is worth studying on the subject.

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