Do fighter planes attack ground targets even though they were not designed for that purpose?

Anything is possible as long as you have ammo!

Do you know our newest air supremacy fighter?

The JAS-39 Gripen

Its name JAS, which means, precisely, in Swedish, is an acronym for Hunt, Attack and reconnaissance. That is, it can perform all three missions at the same time: air combat, airspace patrol and escort, ground bomber and also spy on enemy zones with its powerful radar and advanced electronics. It will even replace our Embraer AMX A-1 fighter-bomber precisely because of its ability to attack targets on land. It will be up to the pilot (to the pilot) to manage it so that it is not hit (planes that attack on land are very exposed at low altitude) and to aim well at the enemies.

This is the Gripen menu. In the photo, the rocket launchers are still missing.

The cannon and rockets are the most accurate weapons for this type of attack. As long as there is ammunition, it is possible to attack. In the First World War, they used machine guns and bombs to destroy tanks, in the Second, the German Luftwaffe used the BF-109’s cannons to decimate Russian T-34 tanks in the Battle of Kursk. Among other episodes…

The Swedish fighter firing its 27mm cannon.

Sometimes, you don’t even have to. During the Gulf War, a group of US Marines found themselves in a firefight with a large contingent of enemy insurgents. They asked for help from a USAF F-16, which was nearby, but without ammunition, as it had just left a mission. The American fighter is supersonic. And every aircraft that has a capacity of Mach 1 and above, when it reaches more than 1,224 km/h it breaks the sound barrier and causes the sonic boom.

Gripen during the breaking of the sound barrier, when the sonic boom occurs.
This phenomenon shakes the air molecules so violently that the sound of supersonic speed is so loud that you can hear it on the ground. This supersonic pass made the terrorists think that a large bomber was approaching and they retreated. As a jet turbine not only has the power to give speed and agility to the aircraft, but also to deter!

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