What do you think is the best house at Hogwarts (Harry Potter)?

In truth, it is quite difficult to define which house of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the best in the Harry Potter saga.

Indeed, not everyone shares the same characteristics, does not like the same things, does not have the same values, and above all, does not have the same expectations.

Before trying to define which could be the best house of the four, let’s first go back to what each of them represents. What qualities must a student possess to be a member? And what defects can they cause?

Let’s start with the most represented house in the saga, the Gryffindor house.

Indeed, it is the house that we logically know the most, for the simple reason that a large number of the characters in the saga belonged there.

Gryffindors always show great courage in everything they do and are strong in the face of adversity. This can be visible and assertive, like Harry’s bravery against Lord Voldemort, or more subtle, like in the case of Neville Longbottom at the beginning.

Also very daring, they do not hesitate to put themselves in danger when they believe it is necessary. Very chivalrous, they will always protect the weakest and put others before themselves. They also tend to see the world in a fairly Manichean way , so they will strive to defend good while fighting evil.

However, because they are brave and bold, Gryffindors can sometimes react too spontaneously before thinking, leading them to be overly bold or even reckless. Finally, often popular, charismatic and gifted in most things they do, some Gryffindors can become big-headed and arrogant .

Let’s move on to their famous rivals, the Slytherins.

Slytherin house is represented quite negatively by JK Rowling. Indeed, almost all the villains in the saga come from it. Not to mention Lord Voldemort, who is the heir. However, this will not prevent some people from fighting against their bad reputation, which may be unjustified.

Slytherins are very ambitious and want to be the best, smartest and most popular. They therefore often become powerful in the world of work. They are very intelligent, but not in the same way as Ravenclaws, as they do not seek to expand their knowledge, but rather use it to their advantage. Their cunning aids them in their quest for glory and power, and their ingenuity makes them capable of making the best of any situation, even the worst. Like Hufflepuffs, they are very determined, but in a more self-centered way.

The problem is that they can become Machiavellian quite quickly . They do not hesitate to do morally ambiguous things to achieve their goals. This can be positive, but it can also make them seem calculating.

Unfortunately, they are often discriminatory and may attack wizards they believe are different or weak. Their natural ambition can have disastrous consequences, such as becoming obsessed with power. Leading them to want to surround themselves with powerful people. Or worse, abandon all morality and do horrible things in order to gain access.

Let’s move on to the house with the blue coat of arms, the Ravenclaws.

Of all the houses at Hogwarts, Ravenclaws are the ones we know the least about. Even so, many characters from the saga could have deserved their place within it.

Although not all of them are naturally intelligent , Ravenclaws have a strong thirst for knowledge and learning that places them among the best. They are generally very curious about the world around them and are constantly asking questions to broaden their understanding. Rather individualistic, they never go with the flow and have little use for the judgment of others. Also very creative , they have a unique approach to solving all kinds of problems.

However, they tend to live in their own world and may appear disconnected or uninterested. Of course, they can be arrogant because of their own intelligence and think of themselves as better than others.

Let’s finish with the Hufflepuffs, often considered the outsiders of the saga.

Reliable and good, they have rarely been in the spotlight alongside Gryffindors or Slytherins. However, they were the first to support Harry Potter.

Hufflepuffs are the most loyal friends a person can find. They are also loyal to their home and do not hesitate to defend it. They are the most diligent wizards in the magical world. Although they may not have the ambition of Slytherins or the natural love of learning of a Ravenclaw, Hufflepuffs do their best in everything they do and are often rewarded for it.

Having a strong desire to always tell the truth, they behave honestly in everything they do. A quality they share with Gryffindors, which is why the friendships between the two houses are so strong. Additionally, unlike the other three houses, Hufflepuffs never display arrogance. They are modest and humble and want to stay away from anyone who is not so.

However, being of an optimistic nature and capable of seeing the good in everything, they can be naive and therefore easily deceived and exploited. Very modest, they can sometimes not see themselves at their true value. At best, they will underestimate themselves , but at worst it can cause serious problems linked to a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Unlike Slytherins, Hufflepuffs struggle with ambition. They may therefore face situations that do not honor their abilities or which do not challenge them sufficiently.

So which was the best house? Ultimately, it’s quite subjective, isn’t it? Let us still try to answer this question. In my opinion, in all objectivity, it seems to me that the best house is undeniably Hufflepuff.

Moreover, this is an answer that often comes up in the mouths of readers. Which is quite funny when you know that Hufflepuff is often the most mocked house of the four.

Why is it often cited as the best? Conversely , why is Slytherin often cited as the worst?

After all, loyalty is worth ambition, just as courage is worth creativity. All the qualities of these houses are good to take. Moreover, all four of them have just as many faults. None of them welcomed perfect beings into their midst.

However, it is clear that what clearly differentiates Hufflepuff from others is that their faults only influence themselves and not others. Which was absolutely not the case for Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and even less for Slytherin.

Indeed, even if they are good and courageous, the arrogance and recklessness of Gryffindors could torment more than one. Although Ravenclaws are creative and intelligent, their indifference and arrogance could also irritate others. Let’s not even talk about the ambition and cunning of the Slytherins who could cause much more suffering.

On the other hand, if you look at the Hufflepuffs, we notice that they didn’t hurt anyone .

Sure, they could lack ambition, be easily naive, and have little confidence in their abilities, but that only affected them. They were not arrogant and they did not judge others.

At no time did their faults have any consequences on others. It is clear that this is why they are considered to be the best house, or at least the most morally “pure” and least ambiguous.

Let us add to this that it is the least discriminating house . Indeed, its founder, Helga Hufflepuff, had no use for lineage or blood purity. She didn’t want to know if the wizard was brave or intelligent. As a result, she believed that everyone deserved an education and the chance to learn, regardless of their weaknesses. Moreover, for all these reasons, no Death Eater seems to have left this house.

This is not the case for Slytherin house, which is often considered the “worst”, since they demonstrate much less moral sense.

Indeed, belonging to the house with the yellow coat of arms makes you proud. Their contribution is undeniable and they will be among the first to have shown their unwavering loyalty and support to Harry.

Certainly, they are not the center of attention and do not gain fame and glory. Even though it was possible with the nomination of Cedric as champion of Hogwarts, during the Triwizard Tournament. They proved, time and time again, that they were essential to the success of others.

By the way, JK Rowling herself stated that Hufflepuff was her favorite house, what can we add to that?

“Hufflepuff is my favorite house in some ways. There comes a point in the book where each house has a chance to complete a certain challenge. The Slytherins have decided they’d rather not play, the Ravenclaws – some play, some don’t, but the Hufflepuffs stay to fight. Gryffindors have many wizards among them who like to play it off and show that they are the strongest. The Hufflepuffs stayed for a different reason. They didn’t want to show themselves, and that’s the essence of Hufflepuff. My daughter Jessica, who is not in Hufflepuff, said to me recently, “I think we should all want to be Hufflepuff.” Indeed, I certainly would not have been disappointed to be in this house. 

Plus, the Hufflepuff House common room is located next to the Hogwarts kitchens, so for that alone, it definitely deserves the top spot.

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