Although Mad Max was a big success upon its release and the money flowed in, George Miller continued to rely on the D system to make the sequel film, preferring inventiveness over more expensive methods .

Small amusing example, when Max suddenly brakes at the wheel of his tanker truck to get rid of Wez, Lord Humungus’ vehicle, which was following him closely, violently hits the back of the tanker.
And as two prisoners find themselves tied to the front of Lord Humungus’ vehicle, they are crushed against the tank.
We see their heads explode in a spray of blood.
How was this trick done?
“We didn’t worry about it,” says Dean Semler, the director of photography. We attached two mannequins to the front of the vehicle, and instead of their heads, we put two watermelons. And we stuck a wig on it. What we see squirting out at the moment of impact is just watermelon puree! »
Budget: $6.