
Why does China seem to be more obsessed with its ancient history than any other major nation?

Chinese history is a huge resource. People can deepen their understanding of prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony from the Confucian benevolent governance and the royal way (political civilization), the understanding of freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law from the doctrine of forgiveness, rule by rites and doctrines of Laozi and Zhuangzi, and the …

Why does China seem to be more obsessed with its ancient history than any other major nation? Read More »

How was someone’s identity verified in ancient Rome? Without modern technology, how did people prove who they were?

The only form of identity Roman citizens carried was a note from the censor administering a wheat subsidy. In AD 79, citizens paid only two sesterces for every eight cubic liters of wheat. The normal price fluctuated between seven sesterces and 1.74 denarii. Furthermore, Roman citizens were required to wear a toga in the Roman forum and …

How was someone’s identity verified in ancient Rome? Without modern technology, how did people prove who they were? Read More »

What was the Roman candle? Is it the cruelest method of execution anyone can be subjected to?

Well, the Romans were quite creative with this matter. – Damnatio ad bestiae: A classic. Being condemned to be devoured in an amphitheater by wild beasts for the amusement of the mob is no small feat either. And it wasn’t always lions. Sometimes there were animal rapes, for example by a giraffe, or a lion, or mythological recreations, …

What was the Roman candle? Is it the cruelest method of execution anyone can be subjected to? Read More »

What is the most misunderstood historical event?

They really got King Richard III of England dirty. Shakespeare did it, and the Tudors did it, after his death. He has this reputation as a coward and a horrible schemer, deformed, hideous, terrible. Dismounted in his final battle, he should have yelled, “A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!” Balls! Richard wasn’t dismounted, he was dismounted! For all that he had done …

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Why does Persia seem like the constant loser of the classical period? She lost to the Greeks, the Macedonians and the Romans.

Simple, the victories of the West are analyzed more than their defeats. For example; Much is said about the victories of Marathon and Salamis, but few speak of the failed campaign in Egypt where, in alliance with that people, Athens and the Delos league help him to achieve independence from him. But the campaign ended in a disaster, …

Why does Persia seem like the constant loser of the classical period? She lost to the Greeks, the Macedonians and the Romans. Read More »

During World War II, weren’t Kamikaze pilots able to eject for a few moments just before impact?

Not even conventional Japanese pilots, nor the Imperial Navy, who at the time were the most rigorously trained pilots in the world, nor those of the Imperial Army decided to use their parachutes to escape in case their aircraft was hit. This was due to the Japanese doctrine and mentality that surrendering to the enemy …

During World War II, weren’t Kamikaze pilots able to eject for a few moments just before impact? Read More »

Who was the bravest woman in history?

There are several that deserve mention, but in my opinion it was Russian Valentina Tereshkova (Russian: Валентина Терешкова). Valentina, who had the nickname “Chaika” (seagull), was the first woman to go into space, for the extinct USSR, at the height of the “Space Race” against the USA, in the 1960s. fatherless and had little chance of studying. However, a …

Who was the bravest woman in history? Read More »

What has been one of the greatest psychiatric mysteries in the history of mankind?

The woman in the photo, a certain Margaret Schilling, a patient at the Athens asylum. On December 2, 1978, the woman disappeared, possibly while playing hide-and-seek with a nurse who forgot to look for her. A search was carried out throughout the building, which was huge and filled with rooms with more than 2,000 patients, but …

What has been one of the greatest psychiatric mysteries in the history of mankind? Read More »

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