What has been one of the greatest psychiatric mysteries in the history of mankind?

The woman in the photo, a certain Margaret Schilling, a patient at the Athens asylum.

On December 2, 1978, the woman disappeared, possibly while playing hide-and-seek with a nurse who forgot to look for her. A search was carried out throughout the building, which was huge and filled with rooms with more than 2,000 patients, but to no avail.

They did not find it until January 12 of the following year. Some say that she was deaf and that prevented her from calling for help when she was trapped in a room, but it is more likely that her mental disorders sentenced her to death on that occasion.

The woman had died with her arms around her chest and had lain in the same spot on the floor long enough to decompose. The only thing left of her when her body was taken away was a stain that is visible even now despite her numerous attempts to remove it.

Recently, a forensic team has analyzed the origin of the stain and has discovered that it is of a biological nature and not artificial. However, attempts to erase it have only accentuated it.

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