What is the best HACK for the brain?

Today we are going to learn how we create our reality…

Our reality is pure subjectivity, there is a reticular filter that builds reality from a small part of the information that we receive at every moment of our lives.

The human mind has an inhibitory system called the reticular activation system, which routinely and automatically removes 99% of the data around us from perception, reason, and judgment.

“It is a set of neural networks that cover a large part of the brain, it is related to sleep and wakefulness, the fight or flight reaction, control of posture and locomotion”

Due to its extension in the brain, it has no clear limits and is an essential factor that allows the state of consciousness and with it the perception of reality.

The correct way to stimulate this system is as follows:

  • Invest time in action. Reading and studying are very superficial activities for a system as old as the reticular filter.
  • When you are only receiving information, you are being very inefficient when it comes to impacting the reticular system.
  • It is in action where the largest number of systems in our body are mobilized.
  • Change the study for practice as soon as possible , it is the way of internalizing that is important to you.
  • Learn to visualize, practice visualizing simple objects such as a burning candle or any simple object, try to see it in as much detail as possible, textures, reliefs, etc. for as long as you can, this is important so that you learn to focus on your daily goals and get distracted less.
  • Start a Mental Diet, choose well the content you consume daily, each person, each piece of news, each post, each piece of information is a block with which you are building your reality. Choose healthy content
  • Your ability to focus is limited by the number of things you think about during the day.
  • It’s important to stop selling your attention so cheap.
  • Try to have a day as simple as possible, remember that we are trying to tell our reticular filter what we really want, we must be as clear as possible
  • Join groups with similar interests and ambitions. This will create a common reality and new possibilities and opportunities will emerge.
  • And finally FEEL, the most effective way to impact the reticular system is by relating the experiences with what we feel, in this way we are being clearer on the type of reality we want.

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