What are some unwritten social rules everyone should know?

  1. If a child shows their drawing/painting, don’t ask what it is or try to guess; just ask them to explain it to you.
  2. If you are eating with a friend, offer your food to them, as sharing is caring.
  3. If someone tells you a joke and you don’t think it’s funny, laugh anyway.
  4. When you argue with someone, don’t yell, as that doesn’t prove you’re right.
  5. Always call before going to someone else’s house to avoid being an ” unwanted guest”.
  6. Before getting on any public transport, let passengers off first before getting on (it requires patience as everyone needs to be somewhere, you’re not the only one in a hurry)
  7. If you borrow someone else’s car, return it with a full tank of gas and in good condition.
  8. When you finish shopping, don’t leave the cart in the middle of the aisle; park it in the designated area.
  9. Don’t end an apology with an apology, this will make the other person think you are justifying their mistake.
  10. When you read an answer on Quora that you like or agree with, don’t forget to upvote it.

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