What are some useful psychological and social facts?

1:—People seem more attractive when they speak with complete confidence and truth.

2:-Singing reduces feelings of anxiety and depression.

3:–If a person is continually avoiding eye contact, chances are good that he is lying.

4:—If you want someone to listen to you carefully, then you should start your sentence with “I don’t want to tell you that”.

5:-Chocolate discharges the same chemical in your body that is produced when you start falling in love.

6:-The last person you think about before going to sleep is the cause of your happiness or your pain.

7:-Usually funny and comical people are more depressed than others.

8:–One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 4 to 5 hours.

9:-One minute of laughter boosts the immune system for 24 hours.

10:-The smell of orange relieves stress. Smelling or eating an orange can reduce stress by over 70%.

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