What technology hides power from us? If humans could make the pyramids, why have they not been able to accumulate that knowledge and develop physics and advanced engineering much earlier to go to other galaxies and live 7 thousand years?

Unfortunately the ancient Egyptians did not write down how they built the pyramids. However, hundreds of people have proposed different hypotheses about it, and many of them are relatively simple.

I believe that some love to complicate things and it is very likely that the construction of the pyramids, at least in concept, is simpler than we imagine and free of mysticism and extraterrestrial technology.

Of course we have accumulated knowledge and developed engineering. Please, a pyramid is one of the simplest stable structures.

Undoubtedly a monumental structure that must have taken an unimaginable amount of man•hours, and an ingenious way of building, as well as being ingenious. But to say that since then we have not advanced in engineering?

The ancient Egyptians would marvel at something like this:

Do you want physics and engineering samples? How about flying machines?

And how about going out into space?

Remember that to go from pyramids to these works of engineering and physics, you first have to discover electricity, then you have to control it to the millimeter, you have to invent gears, invent circuits, invent screens, buttons, develop materials that support heat, invent fuels, understand the physics of molecules to control chemical reactions, invent devices to control those reactions, be ingenious to make systems with all those parts and make them work, study the forces involved (thanks Newton!!). And most of that history of technology was done without computers, by trial and error without simulation software, in many cases sacrificing lives for development, sometimes taking three steps forward and two steps back, taking hundreds of years. to take a step.

And why do we want to live 7 thousand years? More than 70 times the current longevity What would you do with all that time on your hands? How many resources would humanity consume to accommodate so many people? Most people would die in accidents before dying of old age. And let’s say you live 7,000 years but you are considered elderly at 5,000. So social security should pension you for 2,000 years??? What economic system can put up with that?😂

But with technology, the machines would do all the work and the human being can then dedicate himself to… doing nothing, for a couple of millennia. Boredom, obesity, suicide would consume us.

Well, it’s tasty to speculate… leave a comment if you can think of something you would do during your last 2000 years.

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