Is it true that Tom Cruise recently rode the subway alone at rush hour and without a disguise? What happened ?

In 2014, while filming Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation in London, Tom Cruise was late for the set, due to traffic jams, and he proposed to his costar in the film, actress Rebecca Fergusson, take the subway to save time.

The latter found the idea insane but was finally convinced.

Tom Cruise put on a cap, his headphones, and he rushed with her into the London Underground, as if nothing had happened.

“People don’t pay attention, he told a reporter during the Fallout promo in 2018. Everyone looks at their phone, reads a magazine. People are in their bubble…”

But while he was in a car, totally incognito, a person still recognized him…

“Suddenly I see a 16-year-old girl staring at me like that.

I was standing, I was holding the bar, and she was sitting. She had her eyes fixed on me, she had recognized me.

She then did something brilliant: she slowly turned her head from left to right, she looked at the other people in the car, to see if anyone else had recognized me. But she was the only one.

She looked at me again, looking disbelieving.
And I looked him in the eyes and I did this to him:

And in return, she made this face:

Like she’s like, ‘OK, okay…’”

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