See 5 ways Artificial Intelligence can help humans!

Knowing how Artificial Intelligence can help human beings shows us what the trends are for the future. After all, imagine being able to live more peacefully, since many manual functions are being performed through solutions for this. Or else, having more effective ways to protect your health and diagnose possible illnesses before they appear.

It would be a much more interesting world, wouldn’t it? But this is already a reality! Want to know more? Check out 5 ways Artificial Intelligence can help humans!

1. Disease diagnosis

One of the most interesting areas that Artificial Intelligence can help humans is in health. Today we have the development of algorithms that can predict, for example, the chances that a patient may have prostate cancer .

Developed by British scientists, it correlates information that increases the risk of developing the disease and helps define follow-up protocols and guide patients.

Artificial intelligence can help a lot in diagnosing diseases. Source: Shutterstock.

Another example we can talk about are smartwatches connected to applications that, by analyzing variations in heartbeats through algorithms, are able to identify the chances that a user is experiencing a heart attack. It signals the user to seek medical assistance and avoid complications.

2. Task automation

Many tasks that are carried out in companies today are automated . This is great, because many of them, when done manually, can have problems with failures or even bottlenecks that delay activities.

The fact is that many productive activities today benefit from these processes. Let’s get to know some of them below.


Think of an industry, with various equipment that needs to be operated on a daily basis. Failures in them can cause the progress of activities to be impaired or even paralyze the production line. The damage to this type of business can be immense.

Today, one of the uses of Artificial Intelligence in the industry for process automation is the constant sending of data on the operation of the machines and, in case of problems, based on a certain parameter, the system itself already triggers the maintenance teams to solve it . the question.

Artificial intelligence helps a lot in industry by automating processes. Source: Shutterstock.


Today companies work more and more with processes and use of data on a daily basis. And working with them manually can delay many activities.

For example, do you need to collect data from the marketing area to send to the sales sector, with graphs and statistics? If this is done manually, it can take time and the professional in the other area misses important opportunities to close a deal.

With Artificial Intelligence, this information is analyzed and is available to the other area more easily, streamlining internal processes. This is all automated.

Accounting and Finance

Imagine companies with more than 100 employees, and manual entry of all payrolls? Or else, industries that work with several customers and suppliers needing to manually produce purchase and sale documents (such as issuing invoices). A lot of time is spent on that , isn’t it?

With the automation of processes, it is possible for these entries to be made through a system, which uses artificial intelligence to register information one by one and automatically release these processes.

3. Greater productivity for agribusiness

Another area where Artificial Intelligence helps humans is in agribusiness. And this directly impacts the lives of all of us (after all, it helps to increase productivity for food production).

Some ways in which this technology is already present on agribusiness properties are:

  • weather alerts that help provide care to prepare for situations where there are changes that could impact the crop;
  • identify, through prediction software, the likely best time to harvest and avoid production losses;
  • provide intelligent irrigation, minimizing waste of natural resources.
The use of artificial intelligence brings more productivity to agribusiness. Source: Shutterstock.

4. Day to day optimization

Have you ever thought about how many things in your daily life today are (or can be) optimized with Artificial Intelligence? And we are talking about practical issues, which are part of the routine. Want to see some of them?

  • Smart refrigerators, which notice missing items and already forward a shopping list to your trusted supermarket;
  • Smart coffee makers, which can prepare your coffee at the time you set. The same goes even for smart toasters;
  • Intelligent lighting: sensors illuminate the environment according to the presence of people in the room and allow you to modulate the color and intensity of the lighting according to your interest.

5. Creation of Smart Cities

Another way in which artificial intelligence can help human beings in their routines is through the creation of Smart Cities . But what is this?

This is a concept that concerns the changes brought to cities so that they can act with greater synergy , optimization and provide greater comfort and better coexistence for the inhabitants. Want to know more about the possibilities? Some of them are:

  • transport of waste from buildings to the landfill through tunnels, without the need for transport by vehicles, in an automated way;
  • intelligent traffic lights, which ensure greater fluidity in traffic;
  • use of the Internet of Things (which relies on Artificial Intelligence for its success) to indicate, for example, available spaces on streets and parking lots in cities;
  • real-time data collection that could allow creation of more effective and better targeted public policies in cities.

Help develop more ways that artificial intelligence can help humans! Academia Tech helps you with that

Artificial Intelligence already changes our routines a lot and the tendency is for it to gain even more space in the coming years. And for that, more Information Technology professionals will be needed who are specialized in the subject .

If you are thinking about a new career, the time to start your IT studies is now! Academia Tech helps you to find the best courses and also to deepen your knowledge of the area and always be aware of current trends and direct your career towards success!

Interested in technology? Why not join professionally in this area? Discover the technology courses at Faculdade Anhanguera!

Common questions

What are the positive impacts of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence helps to reduce the need to perform repetitive and boring tasks and, mainly, those that can generate human failures in the processes. With this, you can be more productive in your activities, whether personal or professional.

In addition, it can change the way we carry out day-to-day activities that, until then, were very common. For example, driving can become expendable with AI, as autonomous cars will become part of our routine.

How can Artificial Intelligence help us in the future?

Some of the trends in the use of AI can give us an idea of ​​what the future will look like in relation to these issues. We can expect, for example, the use of generative Artificial Intelligence for more technical actions, freeing humans for more creative actions.

In addition, we can see how this will impact our routines, further reducing the performance of boring or repetitive tasks, allowing us more free time on a daily basis. In addition to opening up possibilities for the creation of new possibilities for activities, mainly in the area of ​​technology.

What can be done with Artificial Intelligence?

Today, Artificial Intelligence allows us to automate repetitive tasks, customize items in our home according to our demands and needs (such as lighting), allows us to have agile and fast service to answer questions about important issues (such as the use of chatbot), among other possibilities.

For the future, we can expect the use of generative AI (like that found in Chat GPT), automation of a greater number of activities (for example, use of self-driving cars, sending waste without the use of selective collection vehicles), among other possibilities.

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