What are the most interesting reactions from Hollywood personalities following Will Smith’s slap?

Jim Carey appeared on Gayle King’s CBS show. How did you feel when you saw the incident? “It made me nauseous. I was disgusted to see that Will Smith was given a standing ovation moments later when he received the Oscar for Best Actor. I had the feeling that Hollywood had no courage, no morality. I felt like …

What are the most interesting reactions from Hollywood personalities following Will Smith’s slap? Read More »

What’s the most incongruous thing an actor has said about a film they were promoting?

Robert Pattinson agreed to play in Twilight a little too quickly . He had not anticipated the ordeal it would be for him. He found the books completely stupid and hoped the films would move away from them. Once he was stuck in the role and the machine was rolling, he waited for it to end. But with each …

What’s the most incongruous thing an actor has said about a film they were promoting? Read More »

What famous films couldn’t be made because the director and lead actor didn’t agree on the direction to take?

After the success of Titanic , Leonardo DiCaprio was “the king of the world” . Hollywood gave him carte blanche for his next role. Fearing being trapped in the role of the young romantic lead, he decided to take the lead role in American Psycho , a particularly dark character. Christian Bale had, however, already been chosen by director Mary Harron, in …

What famous films couldn’t be made because the director and lead actor didn’t agree on the direction to take? Read More »

What underhand tactics are sometimes used by Hollywood studios to convince an actor to take a role they don’t want?

In 1988, Warner Bros. began production on the first Batman , directed by Tim Burton. For the role of the Joker, the studio settled on Jack Nicholson, who seemed to them to be the absolutely ideal choice. Only Jack Nicholson is not interested and rejects the proposal. Warner then decides to play on Nicholson’s ego by setting a …

What underhand tactics are sometimes used by Hollywood studios to convince an actor to take a role they don’t want? Read More »

Does it happen that a film is released without being completely finished due to lack of time?

A little-known example is Ghostbusters , released in early June 1984. The studio absolutely wanted to release the film by the beginning of summer, in order to make it a summer blockbuster. Filming was completed in February of the same year, but as the film contained so many special effects, the 3 months remaining before release proved …

Does it happen that a film is released without being completely finished due to lack of time? Read More »

Is there a film that was shot entirely with a single actor, without any supporting role, even a tiny one, and without the slightest extra?

We would be tempted to cite films like The World with Tom Hanks or 127 Hours with James Franco, but these films feature other actors, even if we tend to forget them. Films that truly have only one actor are exceedingly rare. Usually there is always an extra in the background, or a final sequence with a character appearing …

Is there a film that was shot entirely with a single actor, without any supporting role, even a tiny one, and without the slightest extra? Read More »

Which actress has had plastic surgery so much that she can no longer be filmed normally?

Watching the film The Northman , we realize that director Robert Eggers did everything to ensure that we see Nicole Kidman’s face as little as possible and as less clearly. The actress has long abused injections (and other retouching) to appear younger and her face is now frozen. To avoid having to show it too clearly, Robert …

Which actress has had plastic surgery so much that she can no longer be filmed normally? Read More »

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